Everything in the world revolves around Money. Financial ignorance can flip your life upside down.
In India, financial literacy is very low, even among educated individuals. The ever-growing complexity of financial products and their relevancy to an individual's financial journey is getting deeper. Individuals and Families need a basic level of understanding to know what is going on with their finances.
Romance With Finance (RWF) is designed for couples who need professional guidance in discussing, planning and organising their financial matters because contemporary problems require contemporary solutions.
Our Financial Literacy program is designed to make the learning experience memorable and practical. Financial literacy helps you make sound financial decisions. Be smart, and learn about personal finances from experts in the field.
Abubakr Siddique – Abubakr Siddique is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), and SEBI Registered Investment Adviser (RiA). With a master's in Psychology, he is an expert in understanding people and their money behaviour.
Wealth is the Ability to Fully Experience Life - Henry David Thoreau
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